South Milwaukee Amateur Radio Club

Monthly Minutes

August 7th, 2019

Time meeting called to order: 7:05 pm

Roll call and introduction of guests. There were 8 attendees.

No Reading of minutes from June 2019 meeting. (Secretary brought the wrong book)

Reading of Treasures report.

  • Motion made to accept the Treasures report as read by Marty (WB9MAT), and Dan Wenzel, and passed

by unanimous voice vote.


  • The new website will be switched over soon.
  • The club has a lifetime subscription to AMSAT Magazine and issues are available to read.
  • HRO Super-fest will be September 27th & 28th. It was mentioned that we should have a slideshow of our

events pictures and mouse pads to give away. Jason (KD9HFW) will look into the price of mouse pads.

  • The Viper Ride .ORG charity event will be held August 18th

Swap-fest Recap:

  • 650 tickets sold, similar to previous years.
  • Suggestions included a cooler of water at ticket tent for volunteers; a free meal ticket for volunteers;

print a line on tickets for amateur call and phone number.

  • Was suggested that we use Scouts BSA- The Explorers as volunteers and in return pay for their license

testing fee and a year membership to South Milwaukee.

New Business:

  • The Milwaukee parks charged us $154.65 for picnic tables after the fact. This charge will be questioned.
  • Lloyd (KB9IOZ) inquired about Dstar usage.
  • Lloyd mentioned that the city of South Milwaukee has Community Night Out event on August 14th from

6-9 pm at the police Department ( LT. Dan Fournier 414-768-8060 and that it would

be a good way for the club to showcase ourselves.

  • New T-shirts will be researched, color will be black with a small logo on front shoulder of polo shirt and

T-shirt will have a large logo on back with small logo on front shoulder. Hats will be on order too.

  • Tom (KA9KJE) makes motion to continue annual financial donation to RKARES. Jason (KD9HFW)

seconds the motion. Motion passes but amount of donation will be decided at September meeting.

Meeting adjourned at:7:59 pm

South Milwaukee August 2019



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Monthly Meeting @ American Legion Post 434
Nov 6 @ 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Everybody welcome, no licence required to attend. Interested in HAM radio, this is a great place to learn more!
7:00 PM Monthly Meeting @ American Legion Post 434
Monthly Meeting @ American Legion Post 434
Dec 4 @ 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Everybody welcome, no licence required to attend. Interested in HAM radio, this is a great place to learn more!