South Milwaukee Amateur Radio Club

Monthly Minutes

September 4th, 2019

Time meeting called to order: 7:00 pm

Roll call and introduction of guests. There were 6 attendees.

Reading of minutes from the August 2019 meeting.

  • Motion made to accept the minutes as read by Dan Wenzel, and Marty (WB9MAT), and passed by

unanimous voice vote.

No Reading of Treasures report.


  • HRO Superfest will be held on September 27th & 28th.
  • MRC91 picnic will be held on Sunday, September 8th. Food will be served at noon and bring a dish to


  • South Milwaukee Fall auction will be held Wednesday, October 2nd, There will not be a meeting.

Old Business:

  • Website: no action.
  • Mouse pads: delayed until website is switched.

New Business:

  • T-shirts: Clothing company was is on vacation but order will be placed once they return.
  • Tom (KA9KJE) spoke about the wish list of items the RKARES club has that they need funding for. A

meeting of boards will be setup to discuss the size of donation further.

Meeting adjourned at: 8:00pm

South Milwaukee September 2019



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7:00 PM Monthly Meeting @ American Legion Post 434
Monthly Meeting @ American Legion Post 434
Nov 6 @ 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Everybody welcome, no licence required to attend. Interested in HAM radio, this is a great place to learn more!
7:00 PM Monthly Meeting @ American Legion Post 434
Monthly Meeting @ American Legion Post 434
Dec 4 @ 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Everybody welcome, no licence required to attend. Interested in HAM radio, this is a great place to learn more!