South Milwaukee Amateur Radio Club
Monthly Minutes
February 6th , 2019

Time meeting called to order: 7:00 pm

Roll call and introduction of guests. There were 6 attendees.

Reading of minutes from January 2nd, 2019 meeting.

• Motion made to accept the minutes as read by Dan Wenzel, and Jim (KC9FUU), and passed by
unanimous voice vote.

No Treasures report.

• Looking at the calendar, Karen (KC9WQJ) said that we will not have a business meeting for the month
of march, the spring auction will be held instead on March 6th.

New Business:
• Karen (KC9WQJ), said she reserved the meeting room from the American Legion for the rest of the year
for $550, check #543.
• Jason (KD9HFW), asked how much it was to rent the grounds and facility for our swap fest. Answer:
• Burt (K9AYL), asked if we would charge anybody to use the inside building. Karen (KC9WQJ) said that
we never have before and have no intentions to do so in the future.
• Karen (KC9WQJ) spoke on behalf of Mike (W9MRL), explaining we need a good durable tent for field
day. Burt (K9AYL), said he will keep an eye out on military auctions for a good used tent. He will also
speak to Mike to coordinate efforts.
• Jason (KD9HFW), said he called the manufacturer of the generator to ask about a wheel kit. They
explained that the kit for our model is out of production but they will send us any individual parts free of

Meeting adjourned at:7:47 pm




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Nov 6 @ 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM
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7:00 PM Monthly Meeting @ American Legion Post 434
Monthly Meeting @ American Legion Post 434
Dec 4 @ 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Everybody welcome, no licence required to attend. Interested in HAM radio, this is a great place to learn more!