South Milwaukee Amateur Radio Club

Monthly Minutes

February 5th, 2020

Time meeting called to order: 7:00 pm

Roll call and introduction of guests.

Reading of minutes from meeting.

  • Motion made to accept the minutes as read by Dan Wenzel, and Tim (N9VUV), and passed by

unanimous voice vote.

Reading of Treasures report.

  • Motion made to accept the Treasures report as read by Tim (N9VUV), and Dan Wenzel, and passed by

unanimous voice vote.


  • Wednesday March 4th will be the Spring Auction at 6:30pm. No meeting for the month of march.
  • April Meeting will have pizza for the volunteers that helped out the club during our 2019 events.
  • South Milwaukee will be the lead club for field day 2020 with MRC91 as the designated GOTA station.

Will be looking for as many free points as possible that the rules allow, such as an emergency manager

from a local jurisdiction.

  • Mike (W9MRL) will present options for a new Field Day tent at the April meeting.

Meeting adjourned at: 8:10pm

South Milwaukee Feburary 2020



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7:00 PM Monthly Meeting @ American Legion Post 434
Monthly Meeting @ American Legion Post 434
Nov 6 @ 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Everybody welcome, no licence required to attend. Interested in HAM radio, this is a great place to learn more!
7:00 PM Monthly Meeting @ American Legion Post 434
Monthly Meeting @ American Legion Post 434
Dec 4 @ 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Everybody welcome, no licence required to attend. Interested in HAM radio, this is a great place to learn more!